Monday, December 19, 2005

Swiss Bitch

Seriously, why would they tell you to tear at the line when it doesn't open there? Ghey.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The Lightglobes Look Like Glowing Candy

You know, like in a lamp! Light globes!

Christmas Spirit/Time-Wasting What?

So everyone in HR colored in a paper gingerbread version of themselves... and I got a little carried away. That's right, that's a full pinstripe suit of cut-out paper clothes.

And I made snowflakes. Probably... like... thirty of em.
May not sound like a lot... but they're not you're everday 2nd grade snowflakes ;D

That's right, it says "HR."
Which they can think stands for Human Resources, but I won't stop you from thinking it stands for Homestar Runner.

Lots of 'em. And stenciled ones on the window with that spray snow stuff.
This is what happens when I have no other creative outlet at work... it's like BAM.

Vending Machine

fucking stole my 75 cents.

Friday, December 9, 2005

Fun With IRC Magic 8 Ball

After a bad Steve-o joke:

Rockstar: !8BALL will SteveHo always make bad jokes?
8BALL says: "I don't want to talk to you!"
SteveHo: hahahaha
SteveHo: PWNED!

Rockstar: !8BALL would you like to suck on my balls?
8BALL says: "Yes of course."
SteveHo: ROFLSDL:KFJS:LDKjfa;woeif;salkdjfasdkfj
Rockstar: I rest my case.

On a remote executing file problem:

Rockstar: !8BALL is SteveHo's .exe problem legitimate?
8BALL says: "affirmative."
SteveHo: see?
SteveHo: i told you
SteveHo: you think i'm lying

Rockstar: !8BALL is it a PEBKAC?
8BALL says: "hehehe NO!"
Rockstar: lol
SteveHo: SEE?
Rockstar: ho man it IS good
Rockstar: you know what you need? you need some D'yer Mak'er

Rockstar: !8BALL do you agree?
8BALL says: "OH GAWD NO!"
SteveHo: hrm
Rockstar: !8BALL are you a Britney Spears fan?
8BALL says: "No way I'm gonna tell you...your such a dork."
SteveHo: ROFL
Rockstar: !8BALL you suck at spelling!
8BALL says: "Uh, you are soo like gay!"
Rockstar: !8BALL I HATE YOU


Rockstar: !8BALL is matt severely bored?
8BALL says: "You bet your muffins!"
SteveHo: wow...i'm amazed
SteveHo: this thing can't get any better

Rockstar: !8BALL does matt wanna quit really bad but can't afford to just yet?
8BALL says: "I think so."

Rockstar: amazing.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

It's Harry day!

Hands up if you're going to see Goblet of Fire at midnight! w00000t!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

I guess I have Led Zeppelin hair.

So yeah, I got some hairs cut. Right now it's a little bit... mid-nineties, but I swear it's like the picture says, sweet in a coupla weeks.

I'm here alone in the office for a change, they all have training on the new system (that will be just as lame as the old system) and with any luck, I'll be long gone before it ever gets near me. Shoo! Bad job, bad!
But yeah, they leave me alone for a few hours and I'm already making drawrings and bloggin about it. w00t. That'll learn 'em.

I have a thing for video game music. Like the ones done for early NES games that were done by some japanese dude... probably like in the basement... of his garage... in like 45 minutes. Like the Legend of Zelda dungeon theme, SMB 3 castle/flying fortress theme, and the one in the first few levels of Castlevania III. Console-icious.
Lemme know ones I forgot. Maybe I'll do an uber-cool remix so I can be cool like those random people online.
They're cool.

Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Why Matt shouldn't slack at work...

Rockstar: A bear walks into a bar. He walks over to the bartender and says, "I'll have a................. coke please."
Rockstar: The bartender says, "What's with the big pause?". The bear replies, "Oh these? They're for fishing."

Rockstar: mickey and minnie are in divorce court,
Rockstar: the judge says to mickey "now mickey, you said that you want to divorce minnie because she's being silly?"
Rockstar: mickey says "no, i said she's fucking goofy!"

*SteveHo sighs

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

AM stands for Awful M...annoying. Yes. Mannoying.

This is Emily's Radio. I would try to drown it out, but I think drinking at work would be frowned upon.

I had another awesome weekend this past weekend, and went to Washington DC. The highlights were all the museums (obvious) and the hooka bar and having my way with the Washington Monument. Humping the biggest phallic symbol around has to be good for something.

That dude with le hooka is our buddy Eric who showed us le sweet hooka bar. You can get foods and drinks and whatever, but you can also order a flavor of tobaccy to smoke. Ours was strawberry. Kinda weird to smoke in public places there too. Like Olden Times New York. Or Old York, really. You keep cancer-ing me with second hand smoke and I'll give you what for!

I would put up more pictures... but who really reads this anyway. Peace. Here's the money shot. I think I should put it on

Monday, October 10, 2005

Music, Leather Pants and Angst

Hugely awesome weekend, partyin at quasi-Octoberfest with teh SteveHo (no german sausage to be found ANYWHERE), then to Dunkirk and on to Cleveland to see NIN. In short, it was the tits.
However, as it was absolutely impossible not to make fun of all the 15 year-old wannabe goth/industrial/everything at once kids who, if not currently being chaperoned by them, were just dropped off by their parents. Booter and I got into discussion, asking if we were rockstars, would we hate our fans? The answer is: if they are anything like the assorted rejects at this show, then an overwhelming YES. Basically it's like that quote/proverb from which whom heretofore I don't know if it's real or not: I wouldn't want to be friends with the type of people who'd be friends with me.
Highlights of the show: Autolux having an identity crisis (they thought they were Sonic Youth), Queens of the Stone Age rocking out to high heaven, and NIN having my children. Even when the projector went out at a crucial moment, they finished the song like professionals and waited until it ended to belittle and threaten the A/V guys, as any true rockstar would.
Highlights of the crowd: a Scott Stapp clone (leather pants, 3 inch boots and hair and all)(CAN YOU TAKE MEEE HIIIIYAAAAHHH!), two girls so young that when my eyes flittled over their omnipresent-ly exposed g-strings I could see into the future, and above all a super-geek guy (ADVANCED Dungeons and Dragons type) who had a fetish for rubbing his girlfriend's lovehandles incessantly... like he was trying to rub them out of existance. I don't know how she seemed to enjoy his squeezing and rubbing, but maybe she was just entranced by the Flea-esque tune he was plucking out on HER omnipresent g-string as he flailed about on her flab. Not to mention, she was actually quite attractive and he must have rolled two high D-20s in a row to get that kind of luck.

Friday, October 7, 2005


So I think that I might post some of my at-work m$paint drawings here.
Maybe it'll rule.
just a little.
Like this gem from yesterday, which I like to call "ups guy."

I am at work while I'm writing this.

I'm so baaadd. Oh noes, look at how bad I am. Should be working. Bad.

I don't think I really need another page on the interweb megaroad that I feel like I have to check and update all the time, but here I am anyway. Maybe I'll use this one to bitch about things too. In the meantime, here's links to- okay hi, my boss just randomly walked in. Thank you Alt+Tab! Anyway, in the absence of anything real to write about, here's some filler links to my pages. w00t.
Deviant Art
Halloween 2k4
And how bout some webcomics that the nerd in me likes.
Natalie Dee
Toothpaste for Dinner
Questionable Content
Penny Arcade